Tag Archives: Kickstarter

With 154% funded, our campaign on Kickstarter were a resounding success! We have said this several times, but again, a big thanks to all our backers. We could not have done this without you. After a few months now with frantic activity to complete the game and getting ready for print, we are now waiting for the factory to do their job. We have also already delivered the first reward; the digital print-and-play version of the game. Things are happening! We are really stoked to get the finished physical games in hand, and available to the general public. It has been a long road, but we are nearly there. And if you were late to the (Kickstarter) party, late pledges are still open on Gamefound. Go. Pledge! Also, as mentioned in a previous post, the Norwegian game store chain Outland will be having our game in their shops! You can…

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We have been radio silent for a while, but we are back. Back with a vengeance!
Our Kicstarter for Evil:101 is launching in a week, on the 29th of April! Also, check out the video about the game from Meeple University!

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Then we have some good news for you. We are soon posting our first Kickstarter here live and alive. What game is this I hear you ask. Why it is the one and only Evil:101.

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