If you are attending Spielmesse Essen this October, you might want to drop by booth #3J111. We will be hanging out presenting our coming game Evil:101, along with the Heroes of the Sealening game. We will also be available to chat and maybe even play some games with you guys.
For the first time (not counting the digital version last year), both as a company and as individuals, we will attend one of, if not the largest board game exhibitions in the world. Spiel has a long tradition for being the place to be when presenting your new games, and we are excited to bring with us our two babies and show them to you.
This year, Spiel will be physical, which in these trying times is special. All precautions are taken into consideration.
We are of course all fully vaccinated, will use masks at all times, and there will be hand sanitizer at the tables. The tables at the booth are placed with appropriate distance.
Our booth, #3J111, is as the name suggests, placed in Halle/hall 3. It is not ours exclusively; we are sharing with other board game makers from Norway, friends from the Norwegian Tabletop Game Publishers Association, which we are a part of.
If you are attending Spiel yourself, either as a visitor or as an exhibitor, be sure to drop in and say hello!
In the future, we are hoping to welcome you to our own booth, but that is something for another time…
We will be posting pictures during our stay to our social media (Facebook and Instagram), so keep an eye out there.
Keep playing!