
The latest news

Greetings, everyone!
John is here once again, preparing for the solstice with some long-awaited good news!
Evil101 - Coming to Kickstarter 1. February 2022
Like we have said, we have been hard at work preparing the Evil:101 kickstarter. That work has now paid off, and for an early Christmas present, Kickstarter has approved our campaign!
You heard it here first: The campaign will be live
1. February 2022.
Go to
to get reminded by Kickstarter the moment we go live! The campaign will be at the same link.
Us here at Tombs Foundry will take a break over the holidays, see you all bright and early next year for the exiting times ahead!
Have a wonderful Christmas, and a happy new year!
As always, if you wish to join us for playtesting Evil:101, and the other games we will be releasing in the future, join us on our Discord server, and ping an admin (Tombs Foundry) to be added as a playtester!

You can find the server at:
(Discord FAQ: How do I join a server?)
Check our Facebook or Instagram accounts for the most up-to-date news.
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