
The latest news

Hello, fellow nerdlings!
Tor here again to give you another update on what is happening now.
We have been silent for a while, and it is now October already, but work is still progressing forward.

The combat system of Heroes of the Sealening is being revamped, to create more excitement during encounters and PvP battles, and we are looking forward for people to be able to test it out.
In other news, we are heading down to Bergen this weekend to visit Regncon at the Quality Hotel Edvard Grieg.

There, we will have playtesting with the new ruleset the whole weekend for those interested.

If you are in the area, drop by for an hello!
Also, we are going to Spiel Digital 2020, showing off the game in the business area to distributors, printers and so on. Hopefully something good will come out of it.

Unfortunately, we will not be part of the public area and available to you fans out there. Next time!
Wish us luck, and see you at the game table.
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