
The latest news

Hello, fellow nerds!
Tor here again to give you another update on what is happening now.
First, we hope that all of you are staying safe out there while the world seems to be falling apart. We have been spending time working out some kinks on how we would be able to keep up with our development, while still doing our part socially distancing ourselves. After figuring out how to do that, we have been fully focused on developing Heroes of the Sealening to be even closer to the feedback you guys have been giving us. We have been able to streamline the game even more thanks to you, and because of that it is even more fun to play while testing it.
In other news, all our plans of visiting boardgame conventions and meeting you guys must be postponed until next year. This is of course a bummer for us, as not only does it delay the release of our games, but we won’t be able to hang out with you guys. You, the community around boardgames, is the thing that drives us to create these games and we would never have been able to even try it without the knowledge that you will be out there playing them.
Now just because we can’t meet face to face, does not mean that we can’t keep in contact with you. We are discussing ways of bringing your input and community interactions closer to us. Hopefully we will be able to give you more information about it soon, and maybe we can play some games together again!
Thank you for your continued support. Stay safe, keep healthy, and roll those dice!
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