Big news!!
*Cough cough*. The dust is thick in these parts, but we have started the cleaning job.
Most of you will know this campaign will be our second try for this game. We pulled the first one when we realized we were not ready for what a Kickstarter meant. For the last two years, we have been completing the game and tried to learn.
Now we are ready. We have been in talks with new factories, gotten funding to push the goal down, and generally been trying to improve what we can.
This is also your chance to be part of the game itself, in our Double Agent tier. If you grab one of these, your portrait will be used on a card in the final game!
Be quick, there are not that many cards available!
As before, you can try out the game for free online and in your browser, on Tabletopia.
If you do this, or back the game, please come over to our Discord or other social media and tell us about your experience.
Until next time, stay Evil!